Diposting oleh Adhit Kongo

Honey is a liquid that comes out from the abdomen of bees that contain food starch, derived from the essence of food rose. In the Qur'an has mentioned the subject of bees and honey, among them: Allah Almighty has said: "And your Lord inspired the bees: Make the nests in the trees, and in places that make human beings" (Surat An-Nahl [16] :. 68) "So eat of each type (of) the fruits and follow the path of your Lord who has been simplified (for you).
From the belly of bees out drink (honey) that a variety of colors, where there is healing for mankind. 
Verily in this is really any signs (of Allah) for those who reflect "(Surah An-Nahl [16]: 69) Thus, one of the perceived benefits of honey as a medicine, both as a medicine for healing or. as a supplement to guard energy.
Judging from his roots, honey can be categorized into 2 is a wild honey and livestock.
Wild Forest Honey is honey obtained by liquid honey hunters in the woods directly to the hordes of bees. 
Honey Honey is a natural wild forest character, in the sense of freedom from the influence of fertilizers, pesticides and pollution. Honey is safe for consumption as a mineral supplement with Multi, Multi-vitamins beneficial to maintain the most basic health and kind treatment of various diseases. Forests are very many types of honey aroma, different colors, different flavors.
Honey's rare type of honey is honey that comes from wild forest, where a co-wife is a very rare. 
Both in terms of taste, odor, or form. Example Honey Bitter Plaintiff has a bitter taste and strong aroma Plaintiffs tree, or Rempodong Honey from Flower Rempodong.
livestock honey is liquid honey bees obtained through the system ways to increase farm or garden area with flowering season Angon method. 
however, although both types of honey comes from bees, but for lovers of honey can vary in taste, smell, shape, and color. But for this information, one obvious difference between wild forest honey with honey farm is in terms of taste, shape, color and aroma in terms of taste, forest honey has various flavors such as sweet, sour, and bitter. in terms of shapes and colors, forest honey has various colors like brown, yellow, and black. One of the characteristics of forest honey out of gas (if you come to our exhibition stand, please understand if there appears a small bottle of honey voice of our products). In terms of aroma, the scent of wild honey has more stinging / stronger than honey, livestock, where it shows the strong scent of the flowers is inhaled by the bee.
Do you believe that all of the sweet taste of honey? 
Probably most of you are convinced by it. But the honey that comes from our products, there is a rare type of honey that tastes bitter. Where this type of honey is very efficacious to maintain stamina, reduce appetite (suitable for the diet), patients with stroke, normalize blood sugar (diabetes), gout, heart, and kidney