Many people who are trouble choosing which honey honey and distinguish the originaland which are not pure honey, here there is a leak a little for those of you who are stilldifficult to distinguish pure and impure honey and the efficacy of honey, Honey is thesource of all existing medicines and efficacy of honey is very high with various kinds offlowers that the suction honey so bring many benefits to humans.

In addition, honey is also used for embalming herb (embalming) to preserve the mummy of ancient Egyptian kings.
The Japanese tradition is to drink honey every night for getting out of bed in a state of fresh and healthy.
Content of Honey:
Honey has a chemical component that has the effect of the acetylcholine koligemik.Acetylcholine function for blood circulation and blood pressure mengurango. Sugarscontained in honey will be absorbed directly by the blood to produce energy rapidlywhen compared with regular sugar.
Besides the high sugar content (fructose 41.0%, 35% glucose, sucrose 1.9%) of honeyalso contain other components such as pollen and various digestive enzymes.Besides, honey also contains various vitamins
such as vitamins A, B1, B2, minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium,magnesium, iron, iodine salt is even radium. In addition, honey also containsantibiotics and various organic acids such as malic, tartaric, citric, laklat, and oxalate.Because of that honey is extremely high usefulness.
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