Rules :
Prepare the wild horse milk as directed into a glass and soak in a bowl containing hot water during warm langsungdapat in drinking. Add honey is not pure to have diabetes, Adult 100cc, 50cc kids. (If ill drink 2x a day, for the prevention 1x a day). For those of you who need milk and honey of wild horses native Bima-Sumbawa can directly call the number provided.
Tips for the purity of honey
n the area we are now probably some of you believe it or not poorer native honey its outstanding rotation only 20%.Reviews about the falsification of honey and tips to distinguish them, what drives certain elements to forge honey? The main reason is to apply more profits with instant, besides that it was also because the demand for honey in Indonesia reached about 7000 tons while the original honey production is only 2,000 tons / day.
The following tips:
Native Honey
1. Pour tablespoon and burns with a candle under a spoon, then will form foam and melt spill, or his big foam like a volcano that would erupt.
2. Honey after the heat and become cool again, matches with a stick or Similarly then stir and dab and above, will form fine threads and are not easily spilled.
3. Soak the raw fish in jars containing honey for 2 weeks, then the fish will change shape and not dwindling out the smell.
4. Pour in a glass of water, or if the pour in hot water, indirect water murky, if the stirring, the water will turn cloudy and precipitate are not black.
False Honey
1. Foam will not melt, but remained in his little spoon and foam into small pieces
2. Form a large and easily broken thread
3. fish do not change shape and cause a bad smell
4. After stirring the water will remain clear and if there is sediment color is black.
it is the tips to distinguish the original honey that is mixed with honey, hopefully the reader can more wisely in determining the choice of buying honey.
Horse Stories
Original honey BIMA
Lots of Properties That Can Be from the honey, here are the benefits of honey:
1. Honey helps to increase is the growth of Bifidobacteria, the which is a bacteria That Is Very Important to maintain digestive health.
2. Helps inhibit harmful bacteria Such as Helico bacter pylori, the which cans cause ulcers in the stomach.
3. Effective in Treating diarrhea, by Helping the absorption of electrolytes and water, and cans inhibit E. That coli bacteria cause diarrhea.
4. Help facilitate a bowel movement, so it cans help overcome constipation.
5. Several studies have shown That honey cans help with ulcers (sores) of the stomach and helps protect from the risk of gastric irritation the caused by the consumption of alcohol and perform certain drugs.
6. Honey has a high hygroscopic properties (easy to absorb water). When applied to open wounds, honey attract water content of the wound, making the wound Dry Quickly, so it cans help speed wound healing.
7. Honey cans Also reduce swelling in the wound so cans That wounds heal faster.
8. Antimicrobial properties of honey May help inhibit the growth of bacteria and function That cause infection in the wound.
forest honey
From the belly of bees out drink (honey) that a variety of colors, where there is healing for mankind. Verily in this is really any signs (of Allah) for those who reflect "(Surah An-Nahl [16]: 69) Thus, one of the perceived benefits of honey as a medicine, both as a medicine for healing or. as a supplement to guard energy.
Judging from his roots, honey can be categorized into 2 is a wild honey and livestock.
Wild Forest Honey is honey obtained by liquid honey hunters in the woods directly to the hordes of bees. Honey Honey is a natural wild forest character, in the sense of freedom from the influence of fertilizers, pesticides and pollution. Honey is safe for consumption as a mineral supplement with Multi, Multi-vitamins beneficial to maintain the most basic health and kind treatment of various diseases. Forests are very many types of honey aroma, different colors, different flavors.
Honey's rare type of honey is honey that comes from wild forest, where a co-wife is a very rare. Both in terms of taste, odor, or form. Example Honey Bitter Plaintiff has a bitter taste and strong aroma Plaintiffs tree, or Rempodong Honey from Flower Rempodong.
livestock honey is liquid honey bees obtained through the system ways to increase farm or garden area with flowering season Angon method. however, although both types of honey comes from bees, but for lovers of honey can vary in taste, smell, shape, and color. But for this information, one obvious difference between wild forest honey with honey farm is in terms of taste, shape, color and aroma in terms of taste, forest honey has various flavors such as sweet, sour, and bitter. in terms of shapes and colors, forest honey has various colors like brown, yellow, and black. One of the characteristics of forest honey out of gas (if you come to our exhibition stand, please understand if there appears a small bottle of honey voice of our products). In terms of aroma, the scent of wild honey has more stinging / stronger than honey, livestock, where it shows the strong scent of the flowers is inhaled by the bee.
Do you believe that all of the sweet taste of honey? Probably most of you are convinced by it. But the honey that comes from our products, there is a rare type of honey that tastes bitter. Where this type of honey is very efficacious to maintain stamina, reduce appetite (suitable for the diet), patients with stroke, normalize blood sugar (diabetes), gout, heart, and kidney
native forest honey Bima
Did you know that people call the Milky honey with honey water? and widely used for body health and for skin health and beauty, how we deliver health of the Milky forest honey water to you straight from the heart of the Milky community.
And wheter you know Milky besides the usual honey-colored yellow we know, there are also the Milky white honey that is very rare and have more health benefits and also doubled his already well-known benefits to health. White honey is very rare because of the type honey specific types of bees and they only nest in the cliffs, making it very difficult to get it.
We have special offer for you to get the honey-honey that we guarantee the authenticity and quality (forest honey honey Milky Milky by farmers drained but not pressed so that it takes at least a day for the screening process just to maintain the quality).
We will not sacrifice quality to cut prices because we are sure you choose us because of quality and trust and we guarantee we only give a reasonable price.
Wherever in the territory of Indonesia will be sent with the postal address clearly.
For reservations please,
e-mail to the address: adhitkongo@yahoo.com
or contact: 081915561434 (Adhit)
Honey Price:
Honey yellow: Rp. 85,000 / bottle (630 ml) *
Honey White: Rp. 205 000 / bottle (630 ml) *
* Plus postage
for special bookings and business partners available with special price
Criticism, suggestions, complaints please e-mail to the address above, if you after receiving our products are dissatisfied or doubtful authenticity and quality, please send it back to us, and we will replace all the costs you spend 100%.
function of the wild horse milk

In historical records, Horse-Horse Bima many export abroad either for meat or for war. One of the fierce battles that make use of the Bima Horse is Trunojoyo War on 16th Century AD At that time horse of the Milky Kapitang taken by Sultan Abubakar Ali Nur al-Din Shah who ruled between the years AD 1682-187
Behind prowess used in war, it turns out the Milky horse milk also has many benefits.Wild Horse Milk is also nicknamed the Milky Drug god. Wild horse milk is best taken every day, to prevent and treat various diseases. Not only that, the Milky wild horse milk can also make a mighty man.
Order drink is two times a day each one glass of morning and afternoon. Based on the testimony of many people, when consumed regularly, wild horse milk Sumbawa efficacious cure various diseases, among others, Anemia, Uric Acid, Asthma, Avitaminosis, Bronchitis, Digestive Disorders, Kidney, Diabetes (diabetes), Leukemia, Liver, Decrease cholesterol levels in the blood, lungs are wet, rheumatism and tuberculosis.
When mixed with honey, ginger and chicken egg yolks, milk, wild horses could improve the vitality of man. (Source Google.Com)
In District Bima, there are some districts which produce the milk of Wild Horses, among others, in the District Madapangga, Donggo, Soromandi, and Tambora. With all the properties, the Wild Horse Milk and farmers milker should really be considered mainly deals with the existence of the horse population in the Milky Way.The horses that produce milk that must be maintained for the population is not sold out the area.
In addition, there needs to be local policy to download "Trade Mark" Wild Horse Milk from Bima and Sumbawa Island in general, so that the future will continue to be a regional commodity.

in the original forest, was taken directly from farmers at Honey Bima Bima known to be very original and highly efficacious, and be
souvenirs typical of the Milky Way. Milky Honey Authenticity guaranteed because our aim is to promote regional
Savor the honey of course no secret, but was commonly known, such as:
* Sources of energy and vitality of the body.
* Restore depleted energy and stamina for hard work, exercise, or to travel long distances.
* Increase body resistance against diseases.
* Medicine for various diseases, such as thrush, burns, etc..
Adding libido.
To consume honey, can be done in various ways, including:
* Jump drunk, for example, 2 tablespoons in the morning and afternoon / night.
* Mixed with warm water, for example, 2 tablespoons mixed with a glass of water and drink morning and afternoon
* As a substitute for sugar, for example, to drink tea.
* Applied to the food. Mixed with herbs.
* For baking and cooking ingredients.
As reflected in its name, this site is intended as a
center for information about the BIMA (Nusa Tenggara), both about the condition
of the actual and factual, as well as about the history, art and culture, and
the various discourses of thinking about the Milky Way (County and City). This
site is also expected to be a medium for community Bima to inform and promote
their products, or to the general public who are interested in the outcome and
product of Bima. For Local Government and / or organizations /
institutions of society can also take advantage of this site as a medium of
Bimacenter.com is a medium of information about the Fund Mbojo (City & County Bima). We want this site can become the center of the Milky information, including geographical and demographic circumstances, the potential of nature and society, culture and art history, actual and factual circumstances, to information on products and business opportunities.
On this site will be presented also information / actual news Mbojo Fund, which has been well publicized through mass media or directly from the source first, and dissemination of information from local governments and from institutions / organizations.
Of course this site is an effort to bring the hard work that takes much time and energy.Therefore we are looking forward to the contribution of china ro angi fellow dou Mbojo, either directly involved in the management / operations, as well as the form of moral support and material. The support means is not the least part of this site socialize with everyone, both to people and to the Milky others, both verbally and through media disseminator of information.
Let's together build a sense ndai ro funds in various ways ... may Allah SWT bless our steps and reduce the Fund's grace and blessing Mbojo beloved.
Wild Horse Milk
Associated with traditional medicine, we preach the benefits of today's
wild horse milk from the Milky Way.
Wild horse milk?
Just a wild horse, how to milking them, many people ask?
Because it is illegal, then the milk is expensive and because the wild so many
benefits, many people also tell thus.
Wild horse milk is useful for healing of various diseases. today I reported
no min than 44 kinds of diseases can be cured by the milk of wild horses, such
as pulmonary tuberculosis, shortness of breath and can also add courage men,
including to overcome impotence, hehe. It may also ne, a try for those who
already weakened.
Wild horses do not drink milk so it may also be mixed with other ingredients to
add properties, such as honey.
Now for the honey sold in Indonesia and traded by traders circumference office
to office is honey BIMA which he said also the original and a lot of
usefulness. It may also let me add a strong mix of office
Honey natural Bima Sumbawa

Island wich famous with wild forest and Tambora Vulcano.
Origin : Indonesia
Price : Rp. 40.000/vial
Payment Method : Cashier Order
Quantity : available to your needs
Pack. & Delivery : pack a small bottle
E-mail : adhitkongo@yahoo.com
Phone Number : 081915561434